We’ve Won!

School Council placed a bid to organise and host a child led event for the local community to enjoy – We have won!


School Council are very excited and over the coming weeks will be very busy planning and organising their event –

The Big Splash Aftermath

More information to follow.

Garden Project Meeting

Amrit met with Mrs Stott and delivered the Sensory Hub Garden Presentation that she had prepared on behalf of School Council.

The presentation was well received and Mrs Stott made some very positive comments before arranging for Amrit and Tilly (school Council Chair) to meet with her the following Monday to discuss a budget for the project.

Fantastic Fundraising!

Today, lots of children and staff wore their hair in crazing ways all to raise money for Comic Relief.

There was also plenty of joke telling going on in classes all attempting to tell the best joke.

Cupcakes were sold that had been made and decorated by a group of children and a prize draw with prizes such as hot chocolate, extra break-time, 30 minutes choosing time and even a movie afternoon for the class from each key stage draw that that raised the most for the draw.

We raised an amazing


Thank you to everyone who made donations and for all your support.

Comic Relief

We are hoping to raise lots of money for this wonderful charity.

Children are invited to come to school with silly hair styles and/or wearing red noses (wearing school uniform please) in return for a £1 donation.

In addition there will be joke telling in classes and we will be running a raffle – £1 donation for every name put in the ‘hat’.

To make donations for this worthy cause please visit our just giving page


Meeting 3rd February – Gardens & Red Noses

This afternoon School Council had two presentations; both Sensory Hub linked, with a presentation about proposed ideas for the garden surrounding the Hub, while the other was a design for a sign welcoming children to the Hub.

The reps also discussed some possible ideas for the forthcoming comic Relief Day and how we could potentially raise some money for the charity.

Click on the link to find out more.