1st Meeting – 20th September ’24

This afternoon the school council met for the first time this year. All the reps that attended were very excited to be representing their classes and being their ‘voice’.

The meeting opened with introductions and then the purpose of school council was discussed and then Miss Whiteley talked about additional roles that UKS2 reps could apply for. The meeting concluded with a discussion about possible charities that we might like to support this academic year.

Please see minutes attached below for more information:

Meeting – 26/01//24

This afternoon School Council met for the first time this term.

The council briefly reflected on UK Parliament Week, the Q & A session with Baroness Bull (member of the House of Lords) and the recent trip that took place ot 10 Downing Street in response to Miss Whileley’s question about whether school should continue learning more about the function and workings of Parliament.

Comic Relief was discussed and Mrs Poole visited the Council to talk about Playground Markings.

To find out more please click on the link below for the meeting minutes.

Lessons at No 10

On Friday 12th January, 19 children and 8 adults were invited to 10 Downing Street to attend a session entitled Lessons at No 10, an initiative of Mrs Murty’s.

The group travelled to London by train and upon arrival at No 10 joined another school for refreshments before embarking on a mini tour of the first floor and then a cooking session in the kitchens led by ex-marine Mike aka the ‘ Commando Chef’. The children cooked turkey and vegetable wraps with the Commando Chef on hand along with Mrs Murty. Feasting on their wraps in the State Dining Room the children ate alongside Mrs Murty and were able to ask her lots of questions about life at 10 Downing Street.

After an amazing morning the group hopped on the tube to the Natural History Museum and spent an afternoon on a voyage of discovery exploring many of the museum’s fantastic exhibits before boarding the train once more and travell back to Leeds.