Meeting – 10th November

This afternoon Councillors met to talk about two fundraising events taking place during Autumn 2, Children in Need and Christmas Jumper Day.

The reps gave Miss Whiteley feedback from their classes about UK Parliament week and they talked about the forthcoming (virtual) meeting of a member of the House of Lords on Friday 8th December.

The second half of the meeting was spent with reps in UKS2 and electing roles within the council.

To read more please click on the link below to read the meeting minutes.

Next Meeting Friday 24th November.

UK Parliament Week

UK Parliament focus week will take place on Monday 6th – Friday 11th November.

School Council have been very busy planning with Miss Whiteley tasking classes with completing several activities from watching videos, to participating in debates, to creating what matters to us bunting to completing the Parliament Trail in the library.

Hopefully the children will enjoy taking part and completing the activities and will learn a little bit about Parliament.

New SC Reps & 1st Meeting

This afternoon this year’s School Council met for the first time. With lots of new faces, the reps took it in turns to introduce themselves and to share one fact about themselves.

Next, the councillors talked about what they thought the purpose of having a School Council was and what role they thought they could play.

Next Meeting Friday 29th September

Welcome Back!

Looking for new members for this year’s School Council.

Do you have great ideas?

Are you good at speaking in front of other children and adults?

Are you a good listener?

Do you think you could be the ‘Voice’ for your class?

If the answer is yea to all of those questions then why not put yourself forward to be considered to be your class representative.

This week classes will be choosing their class representative/s with the first meeting being on Friday 29th September.

ACE Pizzeria – A Success

Today The Big Splash Aftermath took place with classes leading on running their own stalls with a little help from their teachers.

Inflatables braved the weather as did the hardy souls running the sports activities and the Soggy Teachers stall was very popular with many a sponge being thrown.

Meanwhile School Council welcomed Bill from Dough Boys and began learning to shape dough before adding toppings to their pizzas. The pizzas were then taken to the pizza oven ready for cooking.

The restaurant filled up with happy families tucking into their freshly made pizza – SUCCESS!

A massive THANK YOU to Bill and DOUGH BOYS!